Anarchy In The New Way - Airs June 27th

Governing the Occupation by Frances Harlow With a 24-year-old USM student as our guide, we learn about Occupy Maine 's encampment in Lincoln Park and its accompanying infrastructure. Like many of the solidarity demonstrations across the nation and globe, Occupy Maine governs by consensus, meaning that everyone has to agree on every decision. Obviously, this is a slow process. To Dream an Anarchist's Dream by Mary Rose Madden In this story, we hear the hopes and aspirations of one Maryland anarchist group: to open a shop where everything is totally free. The Baltimore Freestore is based on the radical idea that we can live in a free society, if we come together as one community. Despite some ideological struggles, the Freestore has been a great success. As we'll hear, it takes a lot of work to live out the Freestore's philosophy - though it may fail by anarchism's standards. Teenage Anarchist from City High Radio A youth produced piece from City High Sch...