
Showing posts from September, 2012

Rip, Rift, and Panic - Airs Sept 19th

Rip, Rift, and Panic: Earthquake Stories of Life and Death Along the Fault Lines by Susan Stone One spring morning in 1906, a massive earthquake struck San Francisco, killing thousands, and leaving almost a quarter-million people homeless. Californians have lived ever since with the knowledge that, one day, another cataclysmic temblor will rock the ground beneath their feet. It's simply not a matter of if, but when. Join us for a look back at a hundred years of life along the fault lines and preparations for the Big One to come.

Death From Above - Airs Sept 12th

Drones: A New Death From Above from Making Contact It’s being sold as a cleaner way to wage war, but unmanned military drones are wreaking havoc in Pakistan, Afghanistan and elsewhere. Making Contact will bring us voices from Pakistan of families destroyed by drone strikes. We will also hear interviews with Medea Benjamin and other activists who are working to build a global movement against this controversial military technology.

Reinvent Yourself - Airs Sept 5th

Be Whatever You Want by Sara Curtis On a hot summer afternoon three ten year old kids push around a soccer ball style sorbet maker and concoct elaborate and imaginative stories and adventures to make their mundane task more interesting. Biloxi Stabbing by Jeff Forester and Jeremy Lerman  Biloxi, Mississippi, 3 a.m. The attackers advanced from the dark. The violence was sudden, intense. Forester's cheek, nose and two ribs were broken. A fourteen-inch knife gash exposed kidney and lung. Then they were gone into the night. Swaying, bloody foam bubbling from his back, he struggled to breathe--at that moment Forester was transformed from victim to master of his life. Sweet Science by Tom Niemisto A new class run by the local YMCA in Northfield, MN, trains high school students in the basics of boxing. While the sport can be physically demanding and useful for self-defense, the head coach thinks boxing nurtures philosophical inquiry. Dr. Gordon Marino both coaches the teens on...