Reinvent Yourself - Airs Sept 5th

Be Whatever You Want by Sara Curtis
On a hot summer afternoon three ten year old kids push around a soccer ball style sorbet maker and concoct elaborate and imaginative stories and adventures to make their mundane task more interesting.

Biloxi Stabbing by Jeff Forester and Jeremy Lerman 

Biloxi, Mississippi, 3 a.m. The attackers advanced from the dark. The violence was sudden, intense. Forester's cheek, nose and two ribs were broken. A fourteen-inch knife gash exposed kidney and lung. Then they were gone into the night. Swaying, bloody foam bubbling from his back, he struggled to breathe--at that moment Forester was transformed from victim to master of his life.

Sweet Science by Tom Niemisto

A new class run by the local YMCA in Northfield, MN, trains high school students in the basics of boxing. While the sport can be physically demanding and useful for self-defense, the head coach thinks boxing nurtures philosophical inquiry. Dr. Gordon Marino both coaches the teens on the connection between boxing and philosophy.


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