Pledge Drive Shows - Airs April 18 and April 25

If you haven't seen KFAI's new website, there's no better time to check it out then today. That's because it's pledge drive ... a time to show your support of the outstanding, individual, eclectic programming this great station offers every day.

On the Listening Lounge the past six months, I've been obsessed with the work of two talented producers: David Isay and Jonathan Mitchell. We'll air two of my favorite pieces during pledge drive.

On the April 18 show, we'll air My Lobotomy, a harrowing documentary about Howard Dully, a man who underwent the surgery as a child. It's produced by David Isay (left) and Sound Portraits.

On the April 25 show, we'll air City X, a funny, insightful and entertaining doc on why people love shopping malls. It's produced by Jonathan Mitchell, who is both a radio guy and a composer. You can hear his musical skills in the way his pieces are edited. Listen closely.

The Listening Lounge airs Wednesdays at 11:30 a.m. on KFAI, 90.3 FM
Minneapolis and 106.7 FM St. Paul.


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