India Rising: Oct. 29 - Nov. 26
Don't miss our "India Rising" series from the BBC. It's a fantastic introduction to India today, its wealth, its poverty, its challenges moving forward. Here's the schedule. (And remember, if you miss a show, you can catch it in the KFAI archives for up to 2 weeks after the broadcast date.)
New Wealth - Airs October 29
Among the most visible and palpable changes to strike India is both the ability and willingness of its consumers to spend. This new materialism is shown in the new urban skyline, the luxury apartments, and the shopping malls. But is this all change for the better, or are there costs, too?
Inside India's Heart of Darkness - Airs November 5
Lazy brown rivers curl through lush greenery; small boys perch on water buffalo. A brief look at the Indian state of Bihar seems idyllic - but on closer inspection, the squalor and dereliction is obvious. Bullock carts are more common than tractors. The roads are appalling. Nothing has changed in the last 20 years. While the rest of India is going through an economic revolution, what has happened in Bihar?
TV Nation - Airs November 12
India is an incredibly diverse country. There is a multiplicity of different cultures, custom and languages. And yet, as Indian people watch the same kind of television shows, they are beginning to absorb the same kind of values. It permeates people's lives, and is one of the prime agents in spreading the new Indian culture. New media is having an impact, too. The spread of knowledge that the internet can provide a way to chisel away at less desirable aspects of the status quo.
Can It All Hang Together? - Airs November 19
There is no doubt that the economic revolution has enabled India to benefit financially. But what are the cost of such rapid expansion? The pollution has made some industrial areas unliveable. The people who stay do so for no other reason than survival. Could a disregard for the needs and rights of the poor lead to social unrest -- and even revolution?
Debate - Airs November 26
In this concluding program of the India Rising series, George Arney chairs a discussion involving all four guests from this landmark documentary season. Guests include: Amitabh Behar of the National Centre For Advocacy Studies, Alka Chaudhary of , Confederation of Indian Industry, Preeti Reddy, a leading consumer and retail expert.