Women of Troy - Airs March 9

Troy, New York was once one of the richest cities in America (thanks to its role in the industrial revolution). Now, roughly one-fifth of the population lives under the U.S. poverty line. Listening Lounge will air three audio stories documenting the lives of the women living in Troy today: “In the Office of Temporary Assistance,” “Just a Girl” and “The Cutting Place."

The series "Women of Troy" is part of “In Verse” is a multimedia reporting project combining poetry, photography and sound. This installment features poet Susan B.A. Somers-Willett, photographer Brenda Ann Kenneally and producer Lu Olkowski as they document the lives of working mothers in Troy, New York. A slideshow of photos connected with the project is here.

Also on the show: "The Christopher I Knew" and "Pink" from the Salt Institute of Documentary Studies. A slideshow associated with "The Christopher I Knew" is here.


Anonymous said…
http://www.ozarkgetaways.com/index.html this is the place to visit, Its where all New Yorkers go to escape to old rural New York State. Step back in time, low property taxes, great schools for the kids, a place where american english is the spoken language with signs in english too,a place where the words of God still have meaning. With about 2 weeks of real winter, no car inspections, no guns laws, no building codes in rural areas, an Oceans of Trees as far as the eyes can see. The U.S. of A. Flag still flys proud in this "right to work" state of Arkansas.The laws here are easy "Love guns - Hate drugs" thats about it.. Freedom!

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