Strange But True Baseball Stories - Airs April 13th

Dock Ellis Pitches a No-No by Neille Ilel
Steroid use in Major League Baseball has muscled back into the headlines as the Barry Bonds' perjury trail jury begins their fourth day of deliberation. But drugs in baseball are certainly nothing new. Dock Ellis tells us about the time in 1970 he pitched a no-hitter for the Pittsburgh Pirates while on a perhaps-not-so-performance-enhancing drug.

The Potato Ball Caper
Long Haul Productions
On August 31, 1987, one of baseball's most peculiar plays took place in the minor leagues in Williamsport, Pennsylvania. It was a variation of the age-old hidden ball trick, except this time around it actually involved a hidden potato.

Nancy Plays for the Sox
by Philip Graitcer
The organ is baseball’s loudest fan, and, like peanuts and hot dogs, hearing the national anthem played on a ballpark organ is baseball tradition... but that’s changing. This season only about half of the major league teams have real live organists. Their sound is being replaced by canned music and DJs.
Nancy Faust was the Chicago White Sox organist for 41 seasons. She retired at the end of last season - but we get to sit-in with her for a few tunes before she hung up her Molly O'Morgan.

PS. Here's a great animated version of our first tale.


Kimberly said…
Drugs in sports are not something new, of course, and they are super common in very popular ones. Tennis, baseball, basketball and soccer. I travelled to Argentina last year, I was staying in one of those Buenos Aires apartments close to this bar where soccer games were on the TV most of the time. I asked the waiters there to learn a little bit more about soccer culture and they told me that Maradona (former soccer player) had had problems with drugs and he is still te Argentine idol. Nowadays, it seems the drugs problem is much more controlled. I hope so!

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