The Everyday Blahs - Airs Jan 4th

Sit With Me by Mike Bernstein
A candid portrait of growing up with a parent who has mental illness.
Having a depressed parent can take its toll on childhood. It reframes how children look at the world and it asks them to grow up a little bit faster. We'll hear a moving dialogue between 12-yr-old Cameron and his father, Bob. Both parties feel helpless -- but Cameron asks, "what can I do to help?"

Always Been With Me by Rehman Tungekar
Roughly 6 million Americans struggle with bipolar disorder, a disease that consists of manic highs and crushing lows. For many of these people, conventional medication does not work. As a result, they’re forced to seek out alternative forms of treatment. Electroconvulsive therapy is one such form. We'll hear from Amy, a young woman in Maine that relies on ECT to treat her bipolar disorder.

The Saddest President
from The Memory Palace
Franklin Pierce's amiable personality and handsome appearance caused him to make many friends, but he suffered much tragedy in his personal life. As president, he made many divisive decisions which have been widely criticized and earned him a reputation as one of the worst presidents in U.S. history.


Anonymous said…
I just wanted to thank you for this program. I happened to catch it on my way home from the grocery store during a week where I had been feeling extremely low. It helps to know others have the same feelings and issues surrounding anxiety / depression and hearing your program helped me to have a more positive outlook and know that I am not alone. Again, thank you.

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